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Spicy plurals media ltd
Was formed primarily to assist new writers in bringing their works to print. Registered in Scotland, with a small team, we guarantee to give you a personalised service. Several hurdles face new authors and sometimes the processes can seem daunting, most of the basic steps following final editing and proof reading are related to distribution.

We provide full life cycle services, from ghost writing (where needed), to proof reading, editing, cover design and marketing, we cover all the necessary steps in ISBN procurement, allocation, legal book deposits, yes there are quick all in one bundle solutions on the market, but choose carefully - decisions made at the start, not only will ensure you a better distribution, it can also help put more profit back in your pocket. 

So now you have written your book we can publish it for you. Find out more about our products and services within our website.

Supporting british authors
Why use us, when there are many other services and publishing companies around the world.
1) we are small - we can give clients personal attention
2) we are British - we are aware of the various, slangs and colloquialisms in  English (British) language without relying upon translation and spell check tools.
3) we get it - the British sense of humour is different from other English speaking nations, such as USA or Australia, we grew up with it, we understand it, we know what you mean and we will help you project your message to your readers, that is after all the beauty of books - your are painting images with your words and we can illuminate your audience.

Meet the owners
Managing Director / Owner Partner,
David Parker - of Scottish Nationality, 43 years old, experienced in business marketing and telecommunications, David is also partner owner of ORB Telemedia Ltd, a successfull multi national premium rate telecom business. David provides the marketing and business support services.

Sharon Parker is the other owner partner of Spicy Plurals Media Ltd, Sharon´s background is from many years freelance legal and secretarial  work, Sharon is an avid reader and  provides authors with proof reading and editing services.

Together, Sharon and David provide personalised and bespoke services for all clients, if you want to know more, we invite you to get in touch.

E-mail us from our contact page